Saturday, July 08, 2006

my classes here end on thursday. there's still much to do and i'll finish it all in due time. i'm not panicked, i'm not regretful, there's an errie since of calm that surrounds me.

in the past week i told secret that i promised not to it turns out that it was for the best of all parties involved.

i went out in rochester in several neighborhoods i'd might end up in

i saw an inconvienent truth with a friend of mine. it seemed like a well choreograhed al gore for president propaganda piece which would be more than fine for me. i supported him in 2000 and i support him now.

its scary, it confirms my overwhelming belief that the world is in trouble. something huge is upon us. If you're interested about more stuff that could be upon us hit from the wilderness. our hunger for oil may well sink us all.